IRS Energy Credits Online: Simplifying Clean Vehicle Credit Claims for Dealers
Explore the new IRS Energy Credits Online tool designed to streamline clean vehicle credit registration for dealers and sellers. Learn how this secure, free electronic service enables businesses, especially small ones, to complete the process online and receive advance payments within 72 hours.
IRS encourages employers to electronically file payroll tax returns
Employers! the best way to file their next quarterly payroll tax return by the Oct. 31, 2023, due date is electronically.
IRS: Beware of fake charities; check before donating
The Internal Revenue Service today warned taxpayers to be wary of criminals soliciting donations and falsely posing as legitimate charities. When fake charities scam unsuspecting donors, the proceeds don’t go to those who need the help and those contributing to these fake charities can’t deduct their donations on their tax return.
IRS warns taxpayers of improper art donation deduction promotions; highlights common red flags
IRS has cautioned taxpayers, especially high-income filers, about exaggerated art donation deductions and the schemes used by unscrupulous promoters. These schemes involve purchasing art at discounted rates, waiting to donate the art, and then claiming inflated deductions.
Oct. 16 tax filing extension deadline for millions of taxpayers
The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers about the upcoming tax filing extension deadline. To avoid a possible late filing penalty, those who requested an extension to file their 2022 tax return should file their Form 1040 on or before Monday, Oct. 16.
Builders of qualified new energy efficient homes may qualify for an expanded tax credit
The new energy efficient home credit, as amended by the Inflation Reduction Act, allows eligible contractors who construct or substantially reconstruct and rehabilitate qualified new energy efficient homes a tax credit of up to $5,000 per home.
IRS amplía uso de chatbots para ayudar a responder preguntas acerca de avisos clave; amplía tecnología que ha servido a 13 millones de contribuyentes
El IRS ha anunciado la expansión de su tecnología de chatbot para mejorar la experiencia de los contribuyentes al responder automáticamente a preguntas básicas relacionadas con ciertos avisos del IRS. Esta nueva función de chatbot se enfocará en ayudar a los contribuyentes que reciben avisos CP2000, CP2501 y CP3219A, que notifican discrepancias entre la información proporcionada por terceros al IRS y la información presentada por el contribuyente.
IRS Announces Special Unit for High-Income Compliance and Pass-Through Entities
IRS has recently unveiled plans to establish a specialized unit focusing on high-income compliance and complex pass-through entities. This initiative is part of a broader effort to enhance tax enforcement and fairness, particularly targeting wealthy filers and large corporations. The new unit will operate within the IRS Large Business and International (LB&I) division and will include personnel recruited under a recent IRS hiring initiative.
IRS reminder to storm victims in 3 states: File and pay by Oct. 16; most of California, parts of Alabama and Georgia affected
The IRS today reminded individuals and businesses in most of California and parts of Alabama and Georgia that their 2022 federal income tax returns and tax payments are due on Monday, Oct. 16, 2023. The normal due date of April 18 was postponed for many residents of these states in the wake of natural disasters earlier this year.
Alvaro Acevedo, Member of the Certification Committee International Law Florida Bar
Alvaro Acevedo ahora hace parte del Comité de Certificación de la Especialización en Ley Internacional del Florida Bar.
Tax Deadlines for September 15
Applies if you filed for an extension before the original deadline in March
IRS a trabajadores temporales e independientes: 15 Sept. fecha límite pago de impuestos estimados del 3er trimestre
El Servicio de Impuestos Internos les recuerda a los contribuyentes que pagan impuestos estimados que la fecha límite para presentar su pago del tercer trimestre es el 15 de septiembre de 2023.
Alvaro Acevedo, among 152 Florida Layers Earning Board Certification.
Alvaro Acevedo is being recognized in the INTERNATIONAL LAW section, being his second board certification after TAX LAW.
Alvaro Acevedo, currently recognized as “Ones to Watch” by
Alvaro Acevedo, currently recognized as “Ones to Watch” by
Corficolombiana pagará $80 millones de dólares estadounidenses para resolver las investigaciones por soborno en el extranjero
Corficolombiana, institución financiera colombiana, llega a un acuerdo para resolver investigaciones de sobornos en EE. UU. y Colombia. Conozca cómo la empresa pagará sanciones y reembolsos por su participación en sobornos a altos funcionarios gubernamentales y su compromiso con la cooperación y el cumplimiento normativo
Increased Energy Credits for Low-Income Community Solar & Wind Facilities
IRS and Treasury issued final regulations and Revenue Procedure 2023-27PDF to provide guidance for owners of certain solar or wind facilities built in connection with low-income communities.
IRS lanza iniciativa de procesamiento sin papel
Contribuyentes tendrán opción de no usar papel para correspondencia del IRS para temporada de impuestos de 2024; IRS logrará procesamiento sin papel para todas las declaraciones para temporada de impuestos de 2025
15 de Agosto - Deadline Taxes Residentes en Tri-County Area
El deadline es el 15 de Agosto para todos los residentes del sur de la florida en el Tri-County area: Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach.
¡Oleada de estafas por E-mail y SMS durante el verano!
IRS insta a tener precaución ante gran cantidad de estafas relacionadas con Pagos de impacto económico, crédito por retención de empleados y reembolsos
2023 Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday
The 2023 Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday begins on Monday, July 24, 2023, and ends on Sunday, August 6, 2023.